Training merchant mariners is an investment in our future Ensuring the legacy of America’s maritime excellence and government shipbuilding illustration by Linas Garsys / The Washington Times more > Commentary By Elaine Chao – Wednesday, October 16, 2024 OPINION: Last week, Massachusetts Maritime welcomed the Patriot State, the second vessel in the National Security Multi-Mission Vessel program. While this...

BY ELAINE CHAO Later this week, State University of New York Maritime College will receive a historic delivery — a state-of-the-art new training ship christened Empire State. The arrival of this vessel, the first of five cutting-edge National Security Multi-Mission Vessels, heralds a new era not just for the U.S. Merchant Marine, but potentially for...

BY ELAINE CHAO, OPINION CONTRIBUTOR  Air travel this summer has been a nightmare for millions across the country. Delays and cancellations feel increasingly commonplace and a host of high-profile incidents are casting a shadow of doubt over the reliability and performance of America’s air transportation network. Earlier this year, U.S. airspace was abruptly suspended for nearly three...

The Hatch Foundation will honor Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell and Secretary Elaine Chao with the Titan of Public Service Award By Matt Sandgren Jul 11, 2023, 11:00am EDT Orrin Hatch knew he still had work to do when he retired from the United States Senate in 2019. After 42 years of working across the...

前運輸部長趙小蘭30日投書華盛頓郵報,論述建立亞太裔美國歷史和文化國家博物館的必要性,她肯定亞太裔在各領域為美國所做的諸多貢獻,稱亞裔移民故事就是美國故事,但亞太裔卻始終面臨歧視與不公,因此一間具有教育和啟蒙意義,且能消除亞太裔恐懼,促進族裔團結的博物館,是美國當今社會迫切需要的。 【趙小蘭投書原文】 我移民美國時才八歲,那時我父親已到美國三年,他留下了懷有身孕的妻子和兩個女兒。我和母親以及兩個姐妹後來乘貨船從台灣來到美國,那是我父親所能負擔的交通方式。 剛來美國的那些年很艱難,我們不會說英文,對全新的生活不知所措,但我父母憑著愛、信念和辛勤工作,將我們在紐約市皇后區(Queens)的一居室公寓打造成滿有愛與溫馨的家,也讓我們在這個國家獲得充足的機會。 我們的移民故事是一個美國夢的故事,也反映了數百萬其他家庭的經歷,這些移民為了在美國展開更好的生活,做出巨大的犧牲。 有多少人知道亞裔在獨立戰爭中為美國的獨立而戰,並在美國內戰中犧牲性命?有多少人知道數千名中國移民為修建美國橫貫大陸的鐵路而流血流汗?有多少人對那些在第二次世界大戰中英勇反抗納粹主義的日裔美國人報以感激之情?他們的家人被拘留在美國,但他們仍表露對美國的愛國之心。我們亞裔的故事與美國的歷史密不可分。 然而我們的歷史經常被忽視,我們對這個國家的貢獻常被遺忘,我們在這裡的權利常被人質疑。亞太裔(AANHPI)的歷史是美國的歷史,我們必須承認此事。這也是我提倡在華府國家廣場(National Mall)建立亞太裔美國歷史和文化國家博物館(National Museum of Asian Pacific American History and Culture)的原因,國家廣場是我們展示國家歷史並紀念特殊貢獻的地方。 當今美國約有2400萬亞裔,約占全國人口的7%,且在各領域有諸多貢獻。人民公僕韓裔美國人Jonny Kim曾是美國海豹特種部隊(Navy SEAL)隊員,也是哈佛大學的醫學博士,如今在推動美國完成NASA 2024阿提米絲(Artemis)登月計畫;Advanced Micro Devices的首席執行官蘇姿丰(Lisa Su)、谷歌首席執行官皮柴(Sundar Pichai)、Nvidia首席執行官黃仁勳(Jensen Huang)等企業領袖們,在監管著未來突破性科技的發展。Zoom首席執行官袁征(Eric Yua)、DoorDash首席執行官徐迅(Tony Xu)等創業者們在研發新產品,創設新公司,革新我們的工作及生活。與此同時,好萊塢也向亞裔演員及導演們敞開大門,結束了數十年來的歧視,改變了機會不均的局面。 然而不幸的是,過去幾年仍給亞裔蒙上不安的陰影。新冠疫情重擊每個人的生活,而亞裔受傷更甚,許多小商家被迫關門,此外有關新冠疫情來源於中國的報導,以及日益緊張的美中關係,令美國的亞裔群體憂心、懼怕,關於亞裔(尤其是亞裔女性)被騷擾、吐口水、威脅、甚至殺害的新聞報導不絕於耳,而這一切都僅僅是因為種族。 針對亞太裔社區的威脅與攻擊令人不安,許多亞裔因此擔憂美國可能再次設立「囚禁營」(internment camps),雖然對其他族裔來說,此擔憂有些牽強甚至誇大,但我保證,這種恐懼對亞太裔來說非常真實。 如此仇恨不容接受,許多人通過成立非營利組織來保護亞太裔,幫助我們反擊。五位亞裔時尚偶像人物聯合成立「House of Slay」,旨在反抗針對亞太裔的暴力。我肯定這些努力,也想再次表明,是時候為我們國家建立一個亞太裔美國歷史和文化國家博物館了。 有些人可能會質疑:為什麼要專門為亞太裔建設一間博物館?在我看來,亞裔曾在法律中被禁止成為美國公民,雖然相關法律早已廢除,但這種歧視帶來的陰影仍揮之不去。 建立一間亞太裔博物館不僅有教育和啟蒙意義,還能減少亞太裔的恐懼,促進團結,這是美國當今迫切需要的。

By Elaine Chao November 30, 2022 The recent Index of Supply Manufacturers data showed that fewer employers are planning to hire in the months ahead. That’s because inflation is whittling away buying power, leaving Americans with less discretionary income to spend. Less income translates to lower demand for goods — and for the workers who produce...

Bipartisan JOBS Act, Medicaid work requirements and fewer licensing rules would help ease worker shortage  By Elaine L. Chao | Fox News America is in the midst of the worst worker shortage in recent memory. Many have heard the stories of employers offering bonuses and higher salaries in a desperate effort to fill openings.  Many have experienced delays...

A few weeks ago we learned that the U.S. GDP shrank by an annualized 0.9 percent during the second quarter, marking the second straight quarter of negative GDP growth. Of course, two consecutive quarters of negative growth has long been accepted as the technical definition of a recession—or so we thought. Politicians and media personalities...

Elaine L. Chao May 25, 2022 8:05pm Hate crimes against Asian Americans have skyrocketed in New York City since the pandemic. William Farrington     The young African-American man opened his apartment door to greet an elderly Asian-American man and his daughter, whose face seemed familiar. It is the same apartment where, once upon a time,...
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